Are You a Current âùºìÔº Student?
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Conviction/Revocation information

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, please provide a detailed description of the circumstances surrounding the conviction or action and attach copies of court documents. Additionally, you must submit this documentation to the MDE at the time of the recommendation for the Michigan teaching certificate. 
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Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.

Criminal Background

Per Michigan Revised School Code Section 1230, school districts, intermediate school districts or public school academies require a criminal background check as part of employment. You are also responsible for ensuring your background check and fingerprinting have been completed prior to serving in any of the aforementioned institutions/organizations. If you have been convicted of a felony, you may not be able to achieve employment in a school or school district in the State of Michigan, and a criminal history could stand in the way of practicum participation, internship participation, licensure,  and employment.
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