Center for Learning and Engagement (Students)
The Wellness Center (Located at the W.A. Lettinga campus)
In-person and virtual counseling, nurse appointments and telehealth appointments are available.
Human Resources (Faculty, Adjuncts and Staff)
6191 Kraft Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Employee Assistance Program (Faculty, Adjuncts and Staff)
Whether you need support now or years after experiencing sexual violence, help is available 24 hours a day. Resources and support are always available.
Sexual Abuse Treatment
25 Sheldon Boulevard SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616.459.4681 24-Hour Confidential Crisis Line
616.776.RAPE (7273)
Whether you need medical support now or years after experiencing sexual violence, help is available 24 hours a day.
Metro Health Hospital
5900 Byron Center Ave SW
Wyoming, MI 49519
St. Mary's Health Care
2080 44th St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49508
Spectrum Health Butterworth
100 Michigan St NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Supportive measures
Supportive measures means non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent before or after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the recipient’s educational environment, or deter sexual harassment.
Examples of supportive measures may include but is not limited to the following:
- Counseling
- extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
- modifications of work or class schedules
- campus escort services
- mutual restrictions of contact between the parties
- changes in work locations
- leaves of absence
- increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus (including school buildings and facilities)
- other similar measures (e.g., instituting changes to extracurricular activities, transportation, to allow the complainant and respondent to avoid contact; informing the complainant of other available resources, such as legal assistance and victim advocacy).