Project Origins
In Fall 2014, Michigan community colleges and universities adopted the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) which allows students to transfer 30 credit hours of general education coursework from community colleges to universities. In Fall 2016, Michigan community colleges and universities established a statewide Transfer Steering Committee, with representatives from more than 30 colleges and universities to explore expanding transfer credit opportunities.
The Michigan Transfer Steering Committee leads this work; multiple statewide project teams with representative membership of institutional experts and related partners are providing advice and counsel as the projects progress.
Michigan Transfer Steering Committee
The Transfer Steering Committee’s mission is to increase associate and bachelor’s degree completion among transfer students from all backgrounds. The objective is to make the overall transfer experience more efficient, easy to understand, and simple to navigate while optimizing credit transfer.
Since Fall 2016 a representative body of academic leaders have collaboratively guided and integrated related transfer work, including the new MiTransfer Pathways Project. This project, supported by a one-time state appropriation grant, delivered a new, enhanced Michigan Transfer Network website in Spring 2019. Work to develop statewide associate to bachelor’s degree transfer pathways in selected disciplines will be completed by Fall 2020. These ongoing related efforts have and will continue to improve transfer for students across the state. Other transfer student success strategies supported by the Transfer Steering Committee are listed below.
Transfer Student Success Strategies
The Transfer Steering Committee, with the support of MCCA, MASU, and MICU are using several strategies to improve transfer student success, including:
• Replace the
• Develop multi-institutional associate to bachelor’s degree transfer pathways
• Align mathematics requirements within programs of study (read more about Michigan's Right Math at the Right Time initiative here)
• Increase awards of academic credit for military experience
• Spotlight best practices to improve transfer student success
• Produce and utilize data on transfer student outcomes
âùºìÔº will be participating in the following pathways:
Phase I Pathways – Biology and Business Administration
Phase II Pathways - Computer Science